API | Description |
GET api/v1.0/Announcements/GetAnnouncements?announcementTypeFilter={announcementTypeFilter}&communityKey={communityKey}µsiteGroupTypeRouteDesignKey={micrositeGroupTypeRouteDesignKey}&sortOrder={sortOrder}&maxResults={maxResults} |
Returns a list of Announcements given the specified criteria. |
GET api/v1.0/Announcements/GetAnnouncement?announcementKey={announcementKey} |
Returns the details of the specified Announcement. |
API | Description |
POST api/v1.0/Authentication/Login |
Generates a Authentication Token for the user with the specified credentials. |
GET api/v1.0/Authentication/GetTenantDetail?communityUrl={communityUrl} |
Returns information about a Tenant for a given Connected Community Site Url. |
POST api/v1.0/Authentication/Widget |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST api/v1.0/Blogs/GetLatestEntries |
Retrieves the Blog Entries that meet the filter conditions. |
GET api/v1.0/Blogs/GetBlogEntriesByGrouping?groupingType={groupingType}&maxRecords={maxRecords} |
Retrieves Blog Entries by the specified GroupingType. |
POST api/v1.0/Blogs/CreateBlog |
Create a new Blog. |
POST api/v1.0/Blogs/PublishBlog?blogKey={blogKey} |
Publishes a previously Saved Blog. If the Blog has already been Published, no changes are made. |
POST api/v1.0/Blogs/UpdateBlog?blogKey={blogKey} |
Update a Blog's Title, Text, Comment Permissions, View Permissions and Associated Community. |
POST api/v1.0/Blogs/AddRelatedLink?blogKey={blogKey} |
Adds the specified URL as a RelatedLink to the specified Blog. |
GET api/v1.0/Blogs/GetBlogsByContactKey?contactKey={contactKey} |
Retrieves all Published Blog Entries created by the Member with the specified ContactKey. |
GET api/v1.0/Blogs/GetBlog?blogKey={blogKey} |
Retrieves the specified Blog by its key. If the specified key does not match an existing BlogKey, no results will be returned. If the User making the request does not have view permissions for the specified Blog, no results will be returned. |
POST api/v1.0/Blogs/RecommendBlog?blogKey={blogKey} |
Adds a recommendation for the specified Blog. |
DELETE api/v1.0/Blogs/DeleteBlogRecommendation?blogKey={blogKey} |
Removes a previously made recommendation. |
DELETE api/v1.0/Blogs/DeleteBlog?blogKey={blogKey} |
Deletes a Blog. |
POST api/v1.0/Blogs/AddComment?blogKey={blogKey} |
Add a new Comment to a Blog. |
POST api/v1.0/Blogs/UpdateComment?blogCommentKey={blogCommentKey} |
Updates the specified Blog Comment with new Comment Text. |
DELETE api/v1.0/Blogs/DeleteRelatedLink?relatedResourceKey={relatedResourceKey} |
Deletes the specified RelatedLink. |
DELETE api/v1.0/Blogs/DeleteComment?blogCommentKey={blogCommentKey} |
Deletes the specified Blog Comment. |
API | Description |
GET api/v1.0/Discussions/GetDiscussion?discussionKey={discussionKey} |
Get the Discussion by its Unique Key. |
GET api/v1.0/Discussions/GetDiscussionPost?discussionPostKey={discussionPostKey} |
Get a DiscussionPost by its Unique Key. |
GET api/v1.0/Discussions/GetSubscribedDiscussions |
Get a list of Discussions to which the Current User is subscribed. Keep in mind that Community membership does not imply Discussion Subscription. |
GET api/v1.0/Discussions/GetLatestDiscussionPosts?discussionKey={discussionKey}&maxToRetrieve={maxToRetrieve} |
Retrieves the latest Discussion Posts for either a single discussion or all viewable discussions. |
POST api/v1.0/Discussions/SubmitDiscussionPost |
Submit a new DiscussionPost to a Discussion. |
POST api/v1.0/Discussions/UpdateSubscription |
Update Discussion Subscription. |
POST api/v1.0/Discussions/GetDiscussionPosts |
Returns a list of Discussion Posts for the Current User. |
GET api/v1.0/Discussions/GetEligibleDiscussions |
Get a List of Discussions to which the Current User is Eligible to subscribe. |
POST api/v1.0/Discussions/PostToDiscussionWithCrossPost |
No documentation available. |
POST api/v1.0/Discussions/PostToDiscussionAnonymously |
No documentation available. |
POST api/v1.0/Discussions/PostToDiscussion |
Post a Message to the specified Discussion. |
POST api/v1.0/Discussions/ReplyToDiscussion |
No documentation available. |
POST api/v1.0/Discussions/ReplyToDiscussionAnonymously |
No documentation available. |
POST api/v1.0/Discussions/SendMessageToDiscussionPostAuthor |
Sends an Inbox Message Reply to a specified Discussion Post's Author. |
POST api/v1.0/Discussions/SearchDiscussionPosts |
Returns Discussion Post information that meet the search criteria. |
API | Description |
GET api/v1.0/Events/GetEventType?EventTypeKey={EventTypeKey} |
Returns an Event Type |
GET api/v1.0/Events/GetEventTypes |
Returns all Event Types |
GET api/v1.0/Events/GetEventTypesList |
Get a list of active event types |
POST api/v1.0/Events/SaveEventType |
Saves an Event Type |
POST api/v1.0/Events/DeleteEventType?eventTypeKey={eventTypeKey} |
Deletes an Event Type |
POST api/v1.0/Events/RestoreEventType?eventTypeKey={eventTypeKey} |
Restores a Deleted Event Type |
GET api/v1.0/Events/GetEvent?eventKey={eventKey} |
Retrieve details about a single Event. |
GET api/v1.0/Events/GetUpcoming?maxRecords={maxRecords} |
Returns all Current (beginning today) and Future Events. |
POST api/v1.0/Events/SearchEvents?maxRecords={maxRecords} |
Get Event details. The retrieved Events can be filtered by the values passed in the eventFilter parameter. |
GET api/v1.0/Events/GetEventEnabledCommunityList |
Gets a collection of allowed communities for the current user that has an associated calendar. |
API | Description |
GET api/v1.0/EventSessions/GetSession?sessionKey={sessionKey} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/v1.0/Friends/GetPendingReceivedFriendRequests |
Returns a List of FriendModel objects representing the pending Friend Requests that the Current User has RECEIVED. |
GET api/v1.0/Friends/GetPendingSentFriendRequests |
Returns a List of FriendModel objects representing the pending Friend Requests that the Current User has SENT. |
GET api/v1.0/Friends/GetAcceptedFriendRequests?daysBack={daysBack} |
Returns a list of Accepted Friend Request records. |
POST api/v1.0/Friends/PostFriendRequest?contactKey={contactKey} |
Sends a friend request from the Current User to the specified Contact. |
POST api/v1.0/Friends/AcceptFriendRequest?friendRequestRecordKey={friendRequestRecordKey} |
Accepts a Friend Request. |
POST api/v1.0/Friends/RejectFriendRequest?friendRequestRecordKey={friendRequestRecordKey} |
Rejects a Friend Request. |
POST api/v1.0/Friends/CancelFriendRequest?contactKey={contactKey} |
Cancels a Friend Request. Using the current contact and the contactKey of the person the request was sent to |
POST api/v1.0/Friends/UnFriend?contactKey={contactKey} |
Removes a Friend Relationship from the Current User. |
API | Description |
GET api/v1.0/Messaging/GetInboxMessages?firstRecord={firstRecord}&maxRecords={maxRecords} |
Retrieves all Inbox Messages for the Current User. |
GET api/v1.0/Messaging/GetSentMessages?firstRecord={firstRecord}&maxRecords={maxRecords} |
Retrieves Mailbox Messages sent by the current user. |
POST api/v1.0/Messaging/SendMessageToContact |
Sends a new Message to the specified Contact. |
POST api/v1.0/Messaging/ReplyToMessage |
Submits a reply to a specified Mailbox Message. |
POST api/v1.0/Messaging/MarkMessageAsRead?messageKey={messageKey} |
Changes the specified Mailbox Message Read Status to True. |
GET api/v1.0/Messaging/MarkMessageAsRead?messageKey={messageKey} |
Changes the specified Mailbox Message Read Status to True. |
POST api/v1.0/Messaging/MarkMessageAsUnRead?messageKey={messageKey} |
Changes the specified Mailbox Message Read Status to False. |
GET api/v1.0/Messaging/MarkMessageAsUnRead?messageKey={messageKey} |
Changes the specified Mailbox Message Read Status to False. |
GET api/v1.0/Messaging/GetUnreadMessageCounts |
Returns a key-value pair of ContactKey and Unread Message Count. Includes Inbox Messages, Friend Requests and Community Invitations. |
POST api/v1.0/Messaging/SendMessageToDiscussionPostAuthor |
Sends a private reply to the Author of a DiscussionPost. |
API | Description |
GET api/v1.0/RegistrantClass/GetRegistrantClasses?Active={Active} |
Get a list of Registrant Classes |
POST api/v1.0/RegistrantClass/MarkRegistrantAttendance?registrantKey={registrantKey}&attended={attended} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/v1.0/System/GetApiDetails |
Returns name and parameter type descriptions for the public API endpoints. |
GET api/v1.0/System/GetCodeOfConduct |
Get the Code of Conduct Details. |